
Seminar on Improving Quality of Life through Environmental Awareness

24 Jul 2020 - 758 View

The Faculty of Biology, University of Medan Area (UMA) held a national seminar with the theme "Improving Quality of Life through Environmental Awareness" on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, which was held at the Convention Hall of Campus I, Medan Area University.

The public lecture was attended and opened directly by the Rector of Medan Area University, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Ir. Hj. Siti Mardiana, M.Sc, Deputy Chancellor of Student Affairs Muazzul SH. M.Hum.

Also present was the Dean of the Faculty of Biology Dr. Mufti Sudibyo, M.Sc, Vice Dean of Bid. Academic, Dra. Sartini, M.Sc, Vice Dean of Bid. Student Affairs Abdul Karim, S.Si, M.Sc, Chairperson of GreenMetric, Ida Fauziah, S.Si, M.Sc and Biology Faculty lecturers and Biology Faculty students and guests / students and teachers from SMA 1 Gebang Regency Langkat North Sumatra.

This public lecture presented speakers from Syiah Kuala University, Dr. Suwarno, M.Si who is very experienced in butterfly conservation efforts and Dr. Tengku Kemala Intan, M.Pd, M.Biomed who is very understanding about pollution to the environment.

The first program was a speech from the Medan Area University Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Dadan Ramdan, M.Eng, M.Sc. In his remarks he explained "This seminar is to increase students' insights about butterflies, their types, and how to conserve them considering the habitat of butterflies that have started to become extinct, UMA has also made a breeding of butterflies, but it seems that it is not yet optimal, for that the need for guidance in conservation of these butterflies and thank you to Mrs. Tengku Kemala Intan for explaining how we can deal with pollution to the environment in North Sumatra ". said Prof. Dadan Ramdan.

Furthermore the guest speaker Dr. Suwarno, M.Si explained what is the purpose of conservation of these butterflies, "These butterflies are unique, beautiful, attractive, colorful, useful, and also economical, in terms of economics, butterflies have a species that has a value of 4 million rupiah per tail. of course, every advantage, butterflies also have shortcomings that are threatened with extinction ", he explained.

He also explained morphologically, species, taxonomy, differences between daytime butterflies and butterflies at night, the life cycle of butterflies, and how their conservation efforts were through feeding.

Dr. Suwarno, M.Sc also explained what needs to be done in butterfly conservation as well as butterfly habitat threats. "The need for rescue from the community, NGOs, and the Government in conducting education and research as well as action / conservation, as well as regulations, laws and management that need serious attention by the government," he said.

Continued by the speaker Dr. Tengku Kemala Intan, M.Pd, M.Biomed explained our way to overcome pollution to the environment, "Pollution or environmental pollution is the entry or inclusion of living things, energy substances, and / or other components into the environment, or changes in the environmental order by human activities or by natural processes so that the quality of the environment drops to a certain level that causes the environment to become less or no longer able to function ", he said

He also explained that all schools must have environmental preservation subjects because students must be taught from now on in order to preserve the environment around them both in disposing of trash in their place, greening and planting trees, handling waste, etc. "he said.

The next program students of SMA Negeri 1 Gebang went around the UMA neighborhood, going from Taman Hutan Raya then the Compost House and finally to the Experimental Garden.


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