
UMA Career and Entrepreneurship Center Holds YOUNG INNOVATOR EXHIBITION UMA 2020 Competition

17 Jul 2020 - 643 View

Young Innovator Exhibition UMA 2020 is a program which will facilitate students to express their ideas or ideas while training students to think more complex so that they can become innovators in the future. In order to improve students' complex thinking skills, analysts and systematic, the Career Center and the University of Medan Area Entrepreneurship (PKK UMA) held a competition "Young Innovator Exhibition UMA 2020". This is the first edition at Medan Area University, which was initiated by the Head of the UMA Career and Entrepreneurship Center, Walyono, S.Psi or better known as Kak Djojo. The ambassador in this activity was Kori Isabella Hutabarat, a Faculty of Engineering student who won 5 Gold Medals, 1 Silver Medal in the 2019 International Art Creativity Engineering Exhibition competition.


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